Enbridge 能源補貼詳細條款:
Enbridge / Union Gas
Enbridge Home Energy Conservation Program
- Rebate up to $500*
High-efficiency Gas Furnace(高效率暖氣爐) - Manufacturing Rebate up to $375*
High-efficiency Air Conditioner (高效率制冷系統) - Rebate up to $200*
High-efficiency Water Heating System (高效率熱水器) - Rebate up to $1400*(限時)
Attic Insulation (閣樓 / 屋頂保溫棉) - Rebate up to $500*
Basement Wall Insulation (地下室牆壁保溫層) - Rebate $40/ea
Window ( 普通雙層外牆窗戶) - Rebate $75*
Smart Thermostat (智能家居中央恆溫器)
More info: https://enbridgesmartsavings.com/home-efficiency-rebate